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Online & Phone Worship 

Worship services held at Pathways at St Andrew's and week-day devotions available by phone or online.  

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Children & Families

Meet with other young parents and children.  Great ideas and resources for you and your children's spiritual and emotional well-being.  Everyone most welcome.

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Meeting point.png

is a group of 25-30 seniors who meet for friendship on the 4th Thursday of each month

at Pathways at St David's

Short devotion, then a speaker/entertainment, followed by afternoon tea

which is provided. 

Communion 3 times a years.  Koha welcome and appreciated.  

Op Shop

Open Thursday and Saturday

9 am - 12 noon 

at Pathways at St Mark's

117 College Street

Palmerston North


New seasons clothing  instore,

come and check us out.

Please note: 

Mask wearing is compulsory.  

If you have an exemption,

this must be shown at the door.


Meeting Point

is an adult group of around

25-30 who meet every Tuesday at 10.00am Pathways at St David's, corner of Main Street and Rainforth Streets

We have morning tea, devotions, special events such as Matariki, arts group, crafts include knitting, crochet, sewing, colouring in

and board games. 

Everyone most welcome.

Contact Us


​Telephone : 06 358 0884

Email :

Physical Office: 388 Church Street, Palmerston North 4410

Postal Address:  PO Box 1485, Palmerston North 4440​​​


Pathways Presbyterian Church changed its name from Presbyterian New Church in June 2022.  PNC was created from the amalgamation of St Mark's & St Andrew's, and St David's Presbyterian Churches in Palmerston North.  

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