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Getting Groceries & Medicines delivered to your front door during Covid lockdown

Who this service is for
Our most vulnerable and our most precious in our communities

This free-delivery service (you are still required to pay for your groceries and/or medicines) is available to you only if you live in Palmerston North or surrounds


If you:

  • Are over seventy years old

  • Are immune-compromised

  • Don't have friends or family available to help you with your groceries or getting medicine in the time you need

  • Aren't able to access online delivery, or the online-service can't get groceries, or medicine from your pharmacy, in the time you need it


We want to encourage you to use this service, rather than going out yourself. It's so important you don't go without, and err on protecting yourself and those around you from the risks associated with Covid-19.


A few things you need to know about the service
It's a good-will service.  The church provides the delivery as a gift to you.  It reflects your value as a child of God.

Below are some important points about the delivery service for you to be aware of before you use it:

  1. The deliverer will go to their supermarket of choice, as this helps them limit time and cost - which is given to you as a gift.

  2. We don't do orders for other people on behalf of you i.e., we need to verify people directly

  3. We won't pick up medicines that aren't related directly to you from your pharmacy

  4. For groceries, please limit your order to what you need for the week.  For alcohol, we limit orders to one bottle of wine or one four or six-pack of beer.  This helps manage the load for the person delivering your goods.

  5. The deliverer won't leave groceries or medicines outside your house.  The person requiring it must always be available to bring it inside.

  6. All groceries will either be placed in paper bags (which cost you approx $0.25 cents each) or cardboard boxes.  This helps limit cross-contamination.

  7. The deliverer will not accept anything directly from you, or enter your house.  If you have forgotten something, then please go back to 'how to access the service' below.

  8. The deliverer will take a photo of your receipts and items, so we can verify what's been delivered.  The deliverer will write on your original receipt what they were unable to pick up and why.


How to access the service
Available between 9.00am and 1.00pm Monday to Friday

To access the service, please call Pathways Church office on: 06 358 0884. Alternatively, you can email, but let us know your phone number too.


We will work directly with you via the phone to sort out your order, and discuss things such as brands, size or number of items, and whether accept substitutes.



How to pay for your groceries and/or medicines
Online payment or invoice

When you first use the service we will go through with you, over the phone, what payment method you will be using to reimburse the cost of your groceries and medicines that are delivered to you.  Methods available include online payment or invoice payment at the end of each month.  You are only required to pay for the cost of the groceries or/and medicines.


We don't accept cash or gifts due to the issues around cross-contamination.

Key points
How to access it
How to pay
Contact Us


​Telephone : 06 358 0884

Email :

Physical Office: 388 Church Street, Palmerston North 4410

Postal Address:  PO Box 1485, Palmerston North 4440​​​


Pathways Presbyterian Church changed its name from Presbyterian New Church in June 2022.  PNC was created from the amalgamation of St Mark's & St Andrew's, and St David's Presbyterian Churches in Palmerston North.  

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