Uniting and Caring as God's Family
It's about re-defining Family
God calls us to be a new family; prioritising and making space to be with each other and share our lives together
God calls us to be a new family. This means prioritizing and making space to be with each other and sharing our lives together. We value providing creative and tangible ways of expressing our care for each other and those we love and pray for, such as our prayer quilt ministry, knitting, painting or in music. We intentionally invest in voluntary structures to help ensure no one misses out – especially those who are housebound.
Investing in the Art and Practice of Pastoral Care
God cries out for those widowed, orphaned, locked in darkness, sickness or in grief
At Pathways we have a dedicated pastoral care team of people who offer their gifts and talents to offer special care to people who may be alone, sick, house-bound or vulnerable. We don't want anyone to be left behind; God cries out for those who are widowed, orphaned, locked in darkness, sick or in grief. If we are blessed with long life it's inevitable we will experience loss, grief or sickness at some stage or another. Our pastoral care team commits their time in making sure people known to us are connected and cared for. Sometimes this means providing the basics such as food, shelter, or clothes from our Op Shop. Other times it means providing mentoring, prayer and a listening heart and ear. Bev Quinn leads our Pastoral Care Team.
Sharing our lives together through friendship and love
TIME is our most precious commodity... is a key marker not only of our love, but of God's love, to OFFER our time to one another
One of the greatest challenges of being God's family, and also its greatest blessing, is redefining who we invest our time with. Time is our most precious commodity. Consequently, when we invest time with people - listening, sharing and being authentic with each other - it is a key marker not only of our own love, but the love of God, to freely offer our time to each other. While we may be raised to care most of those who we are related to, or with friends who share and uphold our world view, God challenges us to grow and stretch our world. At Pathways we invest in making our meeting together really count. Who we share our ministries with also become the people whom we share our lives with most deeply. Consequently we have people who meet together over quilting, singing in a choir, leaders, those who share a passion working with children & families etc.
Upholding the work of the church and individuals in PRAYER
Prayer underpins everything. It reflects our dependency on our God who LOVES to provide for our us EVERY DAY
Throughout Jesus' public ministry, he would withdraw to pray to God whom he addressed as Abba or Father. Prayer restores us, stills us, humbles us and deepens our relationship with God. Just as communication is important in any loving relationship, so too is being able to talk and hear from God. Nothing is too small or large for God. Jesus actively encourages people to rely on God for our 'daily bread'. Prayer helps us move away from our natural inclination to be self-sufficient, to being interdependent in God and with God's people and God's creation. We invest in individual prayer. Vonette coordinates our Prayer Chain.